Back from the Mac Party
July 25th, 2025: 4:00 pm

It's the party of the boating season for both PYC members, and the entire Pentwater community!  Our annual 'Back from the Mac' bash also welcomes returning boats and their crew who've competed in the annual Chicago Yacht Club to Mackinac Island sailboat race

This is one of the annual events where we welcome the entire community to celebrate with us.  Our liquor license limits how often we can open the club in this way, and we love sharing this experience with so many others.

The evening includes plenty of food and drink options, while enjoying an outstanding live band that will be performing as you meander throughout the club grounds!

You can purchase tickets for admission, food, drinks and our custom designed T-shirts for each year's celebration. They will be on sale at the event once it starts

So, please make your plans to join us for one of the most memorable nights of the summer!

How it all began

Pentwater Yacht Club’s first official ”Back from the Mac” party was in 2000, founded by PYC members Jack Patterson and Janet Webber.  Jack had a legendary relationship with the Chicago sailing community.  He ran a marina service there, and had sailed at least 20 Mac races himself.  Janet worked for a Chicago ad agency, and had many sailing friends at Columbia Yacht Club, just blocks from her office.  She made sure a PYC burgee always hung in their club’s bar. 

So, here’s the story…. in 1999, on a Friday evening after the Mac race, there were about 7 race boats rafted off our dock for an overnight stop.  A few guitars magically appeared from below, and cold beer and rum drinks were being served by our club.  When the club finally turned off the dock lights at midnight, flashlights and lanterns appeared.  Sailors are always prepared :).  It was a great impromptu mix of visiting crew and PYC members.  A collective thought was mentioned, “Why not make it an official party next year for returning Mac boats?  After all, Pentwater is halfway back from Mackinac Island.”

The next year, (well before social media ) word was spread to all yacht clubs participating in the Mac, posters were hung, lots of food and rum was ordered, T-shirts designed.  In 2000 “Back from the Mac” became the “party after the party”!  That first year we had 18 visiting race boats.  Goose Island offered to sponsor our beer.  Honk!  In our record year, we had over 50 Mac boats visit; 38 boats rafted off the club dock, later arrivals had to find space at other marinas, and a few anchored out.  Skippers and crew loved our Pentwater YC hospitality, and named us ”The Blue Chair Lounge”.  Great food, great music, and super fun.

Jack and Janet continued to chair the “Back from the Mac” for 10 years.  In 2010, Mike and Marsha LaHaye and daughter Laura, stepped up to chair the party for many years following.  And Larry Kwiat, a long time member of Columbia Yacht Club, and an “Island Goat” has volunteered to be our Dock Master for all 20+ years.  Thank you! 

Jordan Aebig, as PYC club manager, is now leading the event, with help from an army of member volunteers, our great PYC staff and Pentwater community.  Please volunteer if you can.  It takes a village.